Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Feast your Eyes


The photo above speaks to me about what a guy would do for a lady. Never mind she's in the same uniform, or appears to be in the "same boat" as them; she still deserves some chivalry, no matter how outrageous.

I think that it's a bit overkill in the demonstrative department, although it is cool to look at. Would a bunch of guys really do this? No - the whole group of them would walk down 30 feet where that mud puddle is standard run of the mill mud, and walk across. But you know - this is just more fun.


Here's what not to do, guys. A leisurely stroll while your woman hauls six cases of beer doesn't make you the man...it makes you an idiot. Just sayin.
I'm sure that no guy would really do this to his lady friend. I smell a gross exaggeration! No matter - it's great propaganda for me.
This photo may be set up, it may be real. Either way, does this guy look like someone Mom would want to meet? I didn't think so either.


This guy here seems to have the right idea. Is she still going to get soaked? Yes. Will he fill those boots with rain from mother earth? Yes. It's the gesture that counts, attempting to carry his girl while simultaneously shielding her from the rain. I don't see any houses in sight - looks like this guy has a way to goand she won't likely forget it!
I think this shot is the real deal, and either friends of the couples shot a quick photo while they mocked and laughed, or someone was just so struck by the lengths this guy will go to for her that they just had to document it. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Big Question


It really seems as if the quintessential Gentleman has become nearly extinct. My question is: Why? More accurately, what factors have influenced the behavioral changes of boys and men over the past few decades to cause a loss in chivalry?
I could immediately assume that it's due to a very electronic and impersonal society, but I'm not sure that is the true culprit. I realize that boys and young men no longer have to worry about face-to-face interaction with girls because of electronic advances and social networking, but I also find it hard to swallow that nobody is teaching these young men to be gentlemen anymore. I can't remember the last time a man held a door for me in a public place, or the last grocery juggling fail that resulted in a guy helping me wrangle oranges in a parking lot. Instead, they watch. It's not that I expect help with things, but these are things I offer help with as a woman; things that men used to be taught as a general rule. They've stopped caring.

I think that many people may have their own opinions on this. They might call it a result of generational numbness, where the practices of respect and manners have lost their importance. They may tell me I'm crazy - chivalry is alive and well in their lives. I think possibly the strongest reason I may hear is that there are more single mothers raising boys today, citing absent role models as the reason. 

I would like to research the possible causes of this loss, our beloved gentleman.  In particular, I would like to explore any links between single parent households, and conduct a few experiments of my own regarding how far a guy would go to assist me, a stranger. Additionally, I hope to identify the age group in which the manners flew out the window. When did unspoken rules start evolving into something new? Could we be missing a key component while we raise our boys?